And the Lord said
unto Him,I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication, that thou hast made
before me. I have hallowed this house which thou hast built, to put my name
there forever and my eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually..1 Kings
The Lord responds
to our prayers and supplication. When we don’t pray we limit God. Not praying
in itself is setting ourselves against God, that is, making a god of ourselves,
because we tend to prove to God that we can do it, irrespective of Him. It’s a
form of pride and God opposes the proud. But praying is a demonstration of our helplessness
and dependency on Him. He knows that we are feeble and that nothing we do can
suffice our lack of Him, so He responds as if with a waiting arm hoping that we’d
ever cry out to Him.
However, prayer
should be made before God and not before men. When we pray to showcase our
ability to pray and not our need of Him, then, we’re not falling before Him. We
must fall before Him. It is a sign of worship. There can be no true praying
without a prostration to worship. Worship is only given to deities. So when we
pray before Him, we subscribe to His Sovereignty and cry out (when we do it),
otherwise, we may be doing a religious ritual and not worship. Until our heart
is truly willing to worship, we may not have prayed before Him. No wonder we
pray amiss, because to worship is to surrender our will to His and let Him
choose to respond. However, every prayer made before Him, He hears.
Now, we dare not
parade what God have not hallowed, in His name. We don’t put God’s name in
anything, He puts His name by his choice and when He does, it implies that He
has hallowed/sanctified it. To hallow or sanctify means to set apart for God’s
use. It’s only what God has set apart for His use that He can attach His name
to. We can actually build anything, initiate anything, start anything, but we
can only get Him involved by crying out to him in worshipful praying. He is
only God in what he has hallowed, not necessarily in what we put His name upon.
If there’s anything that we should desire, it’s to have God’s name upon our
lives. His name is His brand and no one makes a light of his brand. However, He
doesn’t just imprint His name, He makes it eternal. Everything God steps into
is meant to last for eternity, that is, it produces eternal results. He doesn’t
start a project without finishing it.
God does not leave
his brand to the feeble hands of mortals, His eyes and His heart goes with his
name perpetually.
Do you have God’s
branding over your life?.If not what are you parading (in His name).Remember,
whatever does not have His name (commendation) is at risk and can only be for a
Maybe it’s time to
fall before Him like King Solomon in total surrender.