Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The Next Level

The anointing of God is the Spirit of God. Every child of God has a measure of God’s anointing. The anointing is the grace God gives us to make right choices as we should. Being born into the Kingdom of God qualifies us to become children of God and share the right of son ship with Christ. But what our life becomes stems from the choices we make henceforth. The Spirit of God given to us at salvation is to empower us to start making the right choices in line with our new found faith. Otherwise, one could be born again and still live in defeat, like every normal person. Jesus knew this and one basic choice He made was to love righteousness and hate iniquity, i.e consecration by will, not by legalism. As a result, God anointed Him above His fellows with the oil of gladness. The degree of God’s deposit in our lives is proportional to our level of consecration. Our choices differentiate us from the rest people. The call to be a Christian is a weighty responsibility and that requires the anointing in no mean  measure. Jesus knew His calling, hence His choices. God has called us unto noble responsibilities. What are the choices you need make to fit into that calling? The much we can do is to perform lifeless rituals without the corresponding anointing upon us. Borrowing a leaf from Jesus will be a good start. Love righteousness in its minutest level .Promote justice. Choose to do the right thing with passion whether other people join you or not. Stand for truth and God will build a tabernacle upon your life. On the other hand, hate iniquity, no matter how it’s decorated. Iniquity will drown you. Shun evil at all cost even if you have to stand alone. Heaven will send help on your way. I congratulate you as you begin this day, with the help of the anointing of God(the Spirit of God, the grace of God),to make the right choices that will move your life and our nation forward. Our country need me and women who can stand for truth in all circumsatnces. Be among them
References: Heb 1:9,Isa 61:1

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