Sunday, 10 February 2013

All we ever needed

But grow in grace (undeserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah).............2 Peter 3:18.

The conjunction that started this verse presupposes an avoidable danger before now. However, the object for the discourse is not the danger, because in life we face dire situations everyday that tends to make us slip. The object is the injunction "to grow in grace-undeserved favor, spiritual strength". If we can grow in grace that means grace are in proportions, and grace is defined here as undeserved favor and spiritual strength..Thus, even though we got saved by grace (undeserved favor),we can go beyond that level of grace. We can increase the proportion of grace we enjoy in God. We can get to have much favor than others and more spiritual strength. If there's anything we need as mortal beings, it an undeserved favor from the Living God and an inner strength to stand against the arrows of the enemy. The more favor we have the easier to access the treasures of the Kingdom and the more strength we have, the more firm and confident we can be in the profession of our faith, because every fall we experience is an indication of weakness in the spirit. Therefore, if what it takes to get our feet fixed before God to enjoy His favor and to live in extreme spiritual strength is to grow, then we should make every effort to do all it takes for us to grow.
Growth is a characteristic of living things and it's only possible to one who has a good nourishment. However, it takes one who is alive first in the spirit (born of the spirit and water) to be talking of growth. It is not for those who are still dead in sins, what they need first is the saving grace which is available as soon as they confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior. On the other hand, to get the nourishment to grow in grace we need to eat spiritual food which is gotten through the study of the word of God and prayer. The word of God supplies the ingredients while prayer does the exchange of our weakness for His strength.
Oh!, what a need we have to give our all in the pursuit of this one thing that guarantees our sustenance in this walk with God. It is by grace that we started and it is by grace and grace alone that we can finish. So let us give ourselves to earnest prayer and the intermeddling with the word of life in order to grow in grace. 

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